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eklenen kanallar


A voting and politically aware US Citizen, retired from University teaching

Trump is tied to the “alt-right” movement because they support him. The logic that is being used in this assertion, is because fringe elements support Trump, he has to agree with them and be a part of them. At least that is the logic a very large number of Democrats and Hillary herself used in the speech and have used on Quora. Therefore, my argument is an extrapolation of the argument used by Hillary herself. It is my opinion that Trump is as tied to the “alt-right” movement as Hillary is to the fringe elements of Black Lives Matter, the “alt-BLM”. Hillary’s logic is that since white supremacists and the “alt-right” support Trump; even though white supremacist are “alt-right” and a minuscule percentage of Trump supporters; that makes Trump and by implied extension the people who support Trump racists and white supremacists. Trump has never supported or endorsed white supremacists and neither has the Republican Party So let’s use the exact same logic. The DNC endorsed Black Lives Matter at their convention. Hillary endorsed BLM and BLM endorsed Hillary. Fringe elements, and a minuscule percentage of people shouting “Black Lives Matter” have called for the killing of white babies, the killing of white people, the killing of white police and have targeted white people dragged them out of cars and beat them. So using Hillary’s own logic and the logic of many who have disagreed with me on Quora; not my logic, not how I think, but using Hillary’s own logic and extrapolation; Hillary does not like white people and by implied extension the people who support Hillary don’t like white people because wacko fringe elements of people the DNC and she herself endorse don’t like white people. That is the logic that is being used in this particular instance and it is patently illogical and completely absurd.

Air Force One, Fargo, Happy Texas, Homicide and many more

Although the press has characterized her unique style as “be-bop,” Blossom herself called it “Chiffon Jazz,” which is a better name for the actual style. I met her because her half brother Walter lived in Winchester, VA, near the radio station where I had a night shift, and played recordings by other great artists of her ilk, such as Woody Herman. Brother Walter was a fan of my show, and called to ask if he might drop off one of Blossom’s albums for some airplay, should I be so inclined. Frankly, I had never heard of the woman, but I agreed to a visit. And so, one evening as the Chicago Symphony had a solid hour of my air time, and I worked on preparing the late news and emptied the waste baskets, Walter entered the station, with Blossom in tow, and a case of some pricey wine as a thank you. And yes, this was during the payola scandals, but who was I to argue? It soon became readily apparent that I was in the company of a very talented, creative and funny person; we personally hit it off. And that led to a series of interviews and Algonquin Round Table style discussions, broadcast live from the bar of the Wayside Inn in Middletown, Virginia, where the station was located. In that bar was a very out of tune upright piano, which was more decor than instrument, but Blossom prevailed. Between her songs, she would discuss the Greenwich Village jazz scene and various notables in the industry. This went on for a year or two, always with the gift of the wine. Although Blossom, herself, was well connected with a community of artists who hovered at an intellectual altitude where I could barely breath, she was engaging and completely down to earth. One of her favorite songs, composed by her, and one of my all time favorites is “I’m Hip.” Have a look and a listen - I think you’ll like it.

Who's the nicest celebrity you've ever met?

I was a photojournalist for more than 15 years and had the opportunity to photograph and meet many, many famous actors, musicians, politicians, businesspeople and athletes. I also worked for 5 years at WNYC Radio, the largest public radio station in the US and celebrities came through the studios every day. I never considered myself to be star-struck, but did have one experience that stands out among all the others. One morning he called and asked me to help with a session with Elizabeth Taylor. We went to her suite in the Carlyle hotel on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and spent about an hour setting up. Finally Liz and an assistant came in. We sat her down and shot for about 20 minutes. She was gracious, warm and relaxed the entire time. I even adjusted her hair! At the end of the shoot, she got up and just before she left the room, she stopped, turned, took my hand, looked straight at me with those world-famous blue eyes and said "it was a pleasure to meet you." My heart practically stopped! She didn’t have to stop and acknowledge me like that, I was just the lowly assistant, there to carry the equipment, but she did and it was a moment I’ll never forget. The photo we made that day, which was published in USA Today in 1987 and again when she died in 2011, appears below. He was one of the most easy going and laid back people I have ever met. His brother was a co-worker and great friend of mine, and when Bill was in Baltimore filming Homicide, he hopped a MARC train to meet Fred and me at DC’s Union Station for a few cocktails. That meeting went on longer than planned because we all hit it off, so well. Aside from his then growing reputation as an actor, there was just nothing about him to suggest a celebrity status. He and Felicity have been married since late 1997. When they entertain, they often play charades at their home with other stars and just plain folks. It is a welcome relief to their famed friends, who simply get to act like normal people. If he looks like a Boy Scout, that’s because he is - Eagle, in fact. A completely unassuming and pleasant human being, a real gentleman. And a damned good actor, capable of performing in very different roles. Perhaps most well known for Air Force One, he also eagerly took the role of a gay sheriff in the independent cult classic, Happy Texas, a portion of which may be seen, here:

Firearms instructor, martial artist

What Dreams May Come.” Robin Williams was so funny that it’s easy to forget that he was a brilliant actor who delivered stunning performances in daring roles. And his best, IMO, was in “What Dreams May Come,” a metaphysical journey into the meaning of life — and what comes after. Chris and Annie are soul mates. They meet as adults in Switzerland, marry, have children and live an idyllic life, even though they are almost polar opposites. But it doesn’t last. A car accident leaves both children dead. Annie has a breakdown, and they struggle through very dark times. Just when it seems like they might make it through, Chris is killed in another car wreck. Annie is distraught. Chris’s disembodied spirit lingers, trying to reach Annie. He finally gives up, lets go, and ascends to heaven. Annie continues to try to reach him, gives up in despair, and commits suicide, condemning herself to hell, a tableau of endless torment that she, herself, has constructed. Chris decides to rescue her, even though he’s warned not to: She’ll be impossible to find, he’s likely to get stranded, and even if he finds her, only she can actually rescue herself. The best he can hope for is a chance to say goodbye; the worst is that her despair overcomes him and he is trapped in hell. Against all odds, he finds her, but, as he was warned, he can’t reach her. She is catatonic, lost in her own sorrow. Annie’s despair begins to overwhelm Chris and he knows he needs to leave. But instead, he decides to stay. He’d simply rather be in in hell with her, than be in heaven without her. Before he loses the ability to speak, there’s one last thing he needs to say…

What is it like for a non-celebrity to live in Hollywood/Los Angeles?

Distinctly unglamorous. The associations this area of the country has with media icons creates a strange landscape of wannabes, name-droppers, and self-entitled dreamers. Even the people who live outside that mental realm seem affected by a subtle tension of displacement. The layout of the city itself makes for a lot of alone time commuting from place to place in bumper-to-bumper traffic which exacerbates the lack of a sense of community and tends to magnify the time people can spend soothing their alienation by indulging their narcissism. I've been here since 2001 and the population has quadrupled while the job opportunities seem to have diminished. It appears Los Angeles has become affordable only to Trust Fund babies and foreign investors. I have many conversations with native Angelinos and colleagues about how surprising it is to see rents actually doubling in areas over the last 5 years. I'm still here because I believe in the core culture of Possibility and creative opportunities, but - in spite of many successes in my chosen field - those anchors seem to be drifting away like the marketing budgets for album releases. Oh, and there are miles upon miles upon miles of delapidated strip malls to stare at here while your car isn't moving you towards your dream.

JL Family Ranch Movie Watch Storyline

JL Family Ranch Movie

A aged rancher and belated sheriff, obliged to confront some federal chain of command when an retired enemy-cum-millionaire alleges he doesn't substantially own his favorite family shack in a little Texas town.

Director: Charles Robert Carner
Writers: Charles Robert Carner, Harley Peyton
Stars: Jon Voight, Teri Polo, James Caan


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