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What is it like for a non-celebrity to live in Hollywood/Los Angeles?

Distinctly unglamorous. The associations this area of the country has with media icons creates a strange landscape of wannabes, name-droppers, and self-entitled dreamers. Even the people who live outside that mental realm seem affected by a subtle tension of displacement. The layout of the city itself makes for a lot of alone time commuting from place to place in bumper-to-bumper traffic which exacerbates the lack of a sense of community and tends to magnify the time people can spend soothing their alienation by indulging their narcissism. I've been here since 2001 and the population has quadrupled while the job opportunities seem to have diminished. It appears Los Angeles has become affordable only to Trust Fund babies and foreign investors. I have many conversations with native Angelinos and colleagues about how surprising it is to see rents actually doubling in areas over the last 5 years. I'm still here because I believe in the core culture of Possibility and creative opportunities, but - in spite of many successes in my chosen field - those anchors seem to be drifting away like the marketing budgets for album releases. Oh, and there are miles upon miles upon miles of delapidated strip malls to stare at here while your car isn't moving you towards your dream.

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