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Although the press has characterized her unique style as “be-bop,” Blossom herself called it “Chiffon Jazz,” which is a better name for the actual style. I met her because her half brother Walter lived in Winchester, VA, near the radio station where I had a night shift, and played recordings by other great artists of her ilk, such as Woody Herman. Brother Walter was a fan of my show, and called to ask if he might drop off one of Blossom’s albums for some airplay, should I be so inclined. Frankly, I had never heard of the woman, but I agreed to a visit. And so, one evening as the Chicago Symphony had a solid hour of my air time, and I worked on preparing the late news and emptied the waste baskets, Walter entered the station, with Blossom in tow, and a case of some pricey wine as a thank you. And yes, this was during the payola scandals, but who was I to argue? It soon became readily apparent that I was in the company of a very talented, creative and funny person; we personally hit it off. And that led to a series of interviews and Algonquin Round Table style discussions, broadcast live from the bar of the Wayside Inn in Middletown, Virginia, where the station was located. In that bar was a very out of tune upright piano, which was more decor than instrument, but Blossom prevailed. Between her songs, she would discuss the Greenwich Village jazz scene and various notables in the industry. This went on for a year or two, always with the gift of the wine. Although Blossom, herself, was well connected with a community of artists who hovered at an intellectual altitude where I could barely breath, she was engaging and completely down to earth. One of her favorite songs, composed by her, and one of my all time favorites is “I’m Hip.” Have a look and a listen - I think you’ll like it.

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